Three tips on how to manage Halloween from a dietitian!

Three tips on how to manage Halloween from a dietitian!

Halloween is right around the corner. I know my girls are getting excited about dressing up and going out trick or treating. Do you wonder how does a dieitian handle all the excitement around trick or treating?  There are different ways to handle the Halloween candy craziness. To be honest, I never used to be relaxed around sugar. Like many parents I worried about sugar, artificial dyes and additives but now that they are older and I am a bit wiser and I have learned how to relax. Check out my 3 tips on how we handle Halloween in our house.



Have Fun:

Halloween has become a big deal in our house over the years and its not just about the candy.  We have been dressing up in family costumes the past couple of years and the girls love it. It’s once a year. I believe food plays many different roles and one is celebratory. Instead of being the “food policeman, ” try to embrace the Halloween craziness. This can be tough and its something that I have really had to work on.  When the girls were little I was protective about how much sugar they ate but once they started school I started to relax. The reality is there is always going to be sugar around our kids and research shows that restricting can have the opposite effect and make your child crave it even more. Instead, we want our kids to learn how to be mindful around all foods.

Avoid Labelling Treats:

Try to refrain from labeling “treats” as “bad” food because  all foods fit into a healthy diet. Call foods “junk” food may make them seem more attractive and make kids crave them even more. Labelling foods can also make some kids feel guilty and that just takes away the fun and enjoyment.

Serve healthy food throughout the day:

Serve healthy food throughout the day. We want to make sure our trick or treaters have the right fuel to run from house to house.  Like any other day, start the day with healthy breakfast, eat a variety of vegetables and fruit with lunch and dinner. Drink lots of water throughout the day. Remember the division of responsilbilty by Ellen Satter, when it comes to healthy eating you decide what food is being served and where, your child decides how much.

Remember to check your kids Halloween candy to ensure it’s safe.  Before going to bed we make sure all the sticky candy is removed with a good floss, brush, and rinse.

If you want more information on how to navigate Halloween I encourage you to read this blog post from pediatric dietitian Sarah Remmer.



Wishing you and your little goblins a safe and Spook-takular Halloween!!


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