Tag: healthy eating

March is Nutrition Month

March is Nutrition Month

March is national nutrition month. This year’s theme is all about the pivotal role dietitian’s play in Canadian’s overall health. Dietitian’s work in many different areas such as private practice, clinical, community and public health and industry. A dietitian helps translate the science of nutrition Read more

Heart Healthy Tips for Women

Heart Healthy Tips for Women

February is heart month. Did you know that heart disease kills approximately seven times more Canadian women than breast cancer each year. Heart disease is the leading cause of premature death in women.  A woman’s risk of heart disease increases with age, ethnic background, socioeconomic Read more

Banana chocolate chip baked oatmeal

Banana chocolate chip baked oatmeal

Happy New Year! I hope you all had an amazing holiday season with good food and company. While I always enjoy the festive holidays, I love getting back into a healthy routine. A healthy routine starts with a healthy breakfast.  I love having oats for breakfast. I am always looking for new recipes. I decided to switch things up and try banana chocolate chip baked oatmeal. This baked oatmeal is so easy to make, packed with good for you nutrients, and tastes amazing. Add plain yogurt and you’ll be ready to start your day.


 There are many reasons to love oats. Not only do oats taste good but they are good for you! I think we should all incorporate them into our menu Oats are a good source of soluble fibre to help you feel full, stabilize blood sugars, and control cholesterol levels.  Oats are not only nourishing but gut friendly too.

Choosing the right oats can be a bit confusing with many varieties to choose from instant, to quick oats, to steel cut oats. When it comes to oats you need to read the ingredient list. Instant oats are highly processed and usually full of sugar, fillers like guar gum and artificial flavours.  Large flake oats ( also known as old fashioned oats) are quickly steamed and rolled, like steel cut oats, have their germ and bran intact, the most nutritious part of the grain. Steel cut oats are the winner when it comes to oats, they are whole grains and will keep you full all morning long, downfall they take the longest to cook. If you follow a gluten free diet check the label to ensure sure they are certified gluten free and uncontaminated.



Serves 1

Banana chocolate chip baked oatmeal
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  • 3 ripe banana's
  • 1 egg, large
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 1/2 cups of milk ( I used oat)
  • 2 cups of oats (large flakes)
  • 1/4 cup hemp hearts
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup of chocolate chips, ( I used dark chocolate)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. In a large bowl, mash 2 bananas
  3. Add egg, maple syrup, vanilla and milk.
  4. In a medium bowl, Combine oats, hemp hearts, coconut, baking powder, cinnamon and chocolate chips
  5. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and place in a 9x9 baking dish.
  6. Add sliced banana to top of oats.
  7. Sprinkle with unsweetened coconut and chocolate chips. ( you can leave the topping out if you prefer)
  8. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Top with plain yogurt.


I make a large batch on my meal prep day and store them in the fridge. Heat them in the morning and top them with plain yogurt.  Baked oats are versatile and you can add any toppings. If you are looking for other baked oatmeal ideas we love these triple baked berry oats. 

I had Miss Q in mind when I made this banana chocolate chip baked oatmeal. I thought I would win her over with the chocolate chips. I serve oats to my girls regularly hoping my younger one will love them like the rest of us. If anyone else is having this struggle, its totally normal. I try to follow Ellyn Satter’s division of responsibility when it comes to feeding the girls. It’s take patience, and sometimes she eats all of her oats and sometimes she doesn’t. That’s totally fine.

We hope you enjoy these oats as much as we do! If you make these please tag zest nutrition on instagram.

Happy New Year!


Foods to support your immune system

Foods to support your immune system

If your family is anything like mine, you have already had your fair share of bugs making its way through the family. With cold and flu season here, I often get asked what foods boost our immune systems. Short answer none. There is no one Read more

Triple berry baked oats

Triple berry baked oats

Good morning my friends! What did you have for breakfast? We are an oat loving family, I could eat oats everyday of the week. I love oats because they are healthy, filling, versatile and economical. Have you ever tried to baked your oats? Not only Read more